Preparing a new presentation can be difficult and time consuming, but it is possible to make the process easier and shorter. You can download the MS Word or PowerPoint files at the bottom of this page to assist you.

It is vital to think about what you want you your presentation to achieve and produce a structure before opening PowerPoint and producing any slides.

The key to preparing an excellent presentation structure is clear focused thinking; the best way to record your thoughts is on paper or MS Word, which allows you to organize and rearrange your ideas creatively. If you prefer to use PowerPoint to prepare choose the PP download below.

For your presentation to have any effect it vital that the audience remembers your messages, the beginning and end of a presentation are remembered best, these are the parts you should prepare first.

To guide your thinking so you produce a presentation structure with clear messages at the beginning and end you can download our MS Word template. If you prefer to prepare using PowerPoint you can download and use our PP template. When you need to produce PowerPoint slides download and follow these guidelines; PreparingPPslides

Using these templates will enable you to quickly prepare a presentation that is remembered by people and produces results.

If you want to know more about preparing and delivering excellent presentations please email or call Mike Rae using the contact information below.

good pres tempV2

How to prepare a presentationV1

How to prepare a sales presentation
