A booth or stand at Trade shows, Exhibitions and Conferences is an excellent way of engaging and informing new customers about your products or services. The success of a booth depends critically on your staff being able to correctly identify potential customers, quickly engage them and then identify valuable sales prospects.

Working on a booth is very demanding and your people need confidence and specialised skills if they are going to out-compete other exhibitors. Training for your booth staff is a critical success factor.

Training will enable your booth staff to professionally:

• Identify high quality prospects quickly (and reject non-prospects)

• Engage prospects, listen to them and explain how your product will meet their needs

• Close the contact with a positive agreement to take further action

• Record information and move on to the next prospect

Mike Rae has been successfully training booth staff for over 15 years and has a strong track record of producing booth teams that out-compete other exhibitors.

Mike also has unrivalled experience of training booth staff in the pharmaceutical industry where medical conferences are vital for meeting doctors, as other forms of contact become increasingly regulated.